From the 16th century before, during, and after the Renaissance period there are many examples of food being used in the art; more specifically paintings. Giuseppe Arcimboldo is an Italian painter who mainly produces portraits that are composed of food and other objects. He creates paintings where from afar, they look like portraits of people yet they are made up of fruits and other foods.This was a very innovative way of thinking about the Renaissance period where portraits were often realism and contemporary and abstract art was less popular amongst portraits.


    Although critics often criticising his work he kept including these symbols for his portraits. It may seem that he chose random objects and foods to compose these images, but each fruit or flower symbolizes the person’s’ characteristics. Food was also a symbol of wealth, as it still is. When these types of paintings were hung on the walls of people’s homes, it would give a sense to visitors that they were able to eat like kings.


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Many people have used his artwork as inspiration to create their own work such as this one of Alex Jeffries:


One Comment Add yours

  1. Arcimboldo’s art works are amazing & funny


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